: advocate.pramoddelhi@gmail.com +91-9999-536-847

Annulment of Marriage :

You see, during a divorce, it’s expected to feel anxious, or maybe even scared. After all, everything you’ve known is now suddenly at risk, from children to financial security and more. Worse – you feel very alone. You wonder where you can turn for guidance and support during a turbulent and confusing time like this. At Moskowitz Law Group, we have a deep understanding of the emotions and pressure you are feeling. When a marriage ends, everyone in the situation is affected. Suddenly, there are new living arrangements, decisions about property and money, and most importantly – what will happen to the children.

Current grounds for judicial separation

When you are going through a divorce, it is way too easy to get caught up in a thousand different daily dramas. If your spouse is telling you that you are never going to get a dime in the divorce, or that you are a home-wrecker and your kids are going to hate you forever, or any one of the thousand other horrible things that an angry spouse threatens – you can 100% ignore what they say, because you have the Moskowitz Law Group on your side. When you have the Moskowitz Law Group on your side, you can keep your head held high. You will be able to walk into that courtroom confident, knowing you have a no-nonsense, power-ful, and strategic divorce attorney and legal team. Whether you are involved in a peaceful mediation or a courtroom battle, the Moskowitz Law Group will be a rock-solid team you can depend on every time.:-

We understand the divorce process can cause confusion and anxiety. It is normal to feel a bit lost and uneasy when it comes to decision making and knowing which steps to take. The Moskowitz Law Firm is here for you. Below, you can find several helpful resources that are completely complimentary for you to download. We also offer a free consultation to evaluate your case. Please call (201) 241-4213 if you are.